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Saturday, October 2, 2010

What's the Difference in leagues?

I know that I personally have seen allot of Abbreviations in hockey that I did not know, so I did a little research to inform the followers on what each one means.  If you have one you would like to add post it in the comments below.

  • OHL - The OHL stands for Ontario Hockey League.  One of three Canadian hockey leagues.
  • CHL - Canadian Hockey league.  This is the overall name for Canadian hockey.
  • NCAA- National Collegiate Athletic Association.  This keeps track of all college and University Teams.
  • AHL - American Hockey League.  The American league the feeds into the NHL.
  • NHL - National Hockey League.  The Professional American Hockey leagues.  The equivalent of the NFL of football
  • WHL - Western Hockey League.  This is a Junior devision that usually feeds into the AHL.
  • ISHL - The Interscholastic Hockey League.  This is a league that mainly deals in High school teams.
  • USHL - United States Hockey League.  The top junior league hockey teams.
Like I said above I know there is more out there these are a few of the more commonly used Abbreviations in hockey.  See the next post for hockey basics all fans should know.

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