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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

General Meeting With Peter Zingoni

    Todays General Meeting was beyond awesome.  The meeting started with a few dates that you might want to know and participate in.  First  date is the Kids unlimited christmas party on December 11th.  Everyone is invited and feel free to bring gifts for the kids.  They range in age from infant to 18 year olds.  The second date is the feed the team on the 16th of november.  If you can attend this meeting please email me for details on this meeting at

    Also at todays meeting was peter Zingoni.  I will be the first to tell you that this meeting was one of the best meetings for information and laughs I have ever been to.  Zingoni starts the talk with a little background of  his life and how he became a hockey player.  He grew up in connecticut  where one of his family members was dating a goalie from the local team.  He became enthralled in the sport of hockey and began to skate just for fun.  He also reveled that at the age of six he began his first travel team with someone every aeros fan knows....... Jon DiSalvatore.  He started his hockey career over seas in Germany and Finland.  He then played for the Philadelphia phantoms where he met is wife, Bernadet.  from there he could not make his way to Houston fast enough for us aeros fans.
     Last year Zingoni at the very end of the year got hit in the groin area with a puck after a magnificent block in San antonio.  It healed well...... or so he thought.  Over the summer his leg and groin area began to hurt making it unbearable fast, and causing his leg to swell to twice its size.  He went to the Hospital there in Philly where he was told he had a blood clot in his groin area down to his calf.   He has been taking some blood thinners and getting recouped for this seasons start which he estimates to be around the beginning of december.

Here are two cool facts about zingoni that i bet you did not know.  1st - he has played all his hockey games with no socks on since the age of 6. and 2nd - he has his own camp in connecticut teaching kids the skills and skating techniques of hockey.

     If you missed the meeting you missed a good one, but don't miss the november meeting or you may just have to catch up on this blog once again.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Military Night At The Toyota Center

Hey there Aeros Fans this event will be held on November 5th and the money donated will be for the Serving Military and their families.  Please feel free to donate the most you can but if you cant just be sure to make it to the game to show your support for the team and the Best Armed Force in the world, The US Armed forces.  If you can donate any money at all $10 and up please call the number below and ask for Heath Dickes and tell him Garret Sent you.

To help provide tickets for military personnel and their families, we are looking for 
sponsors.  Companies or individuals who sponsor tickets for the military will be 
recognized at our game and on our website.  In addition, you will have the opportunity to 
meet with these soldiers and families at the game if you choose. 
Sponsor 10 tickets and receive an Aeros Autographed Puck.  
Sponsor 20 tickets and receive an Aeros Autographed Photo and Puck. 

Sponsor at least 50 seats and you will also receive an equal number of tickets for 
your own use for an upcoming Aeros game.  
Plus:   Market your company directly to military personnel, families and 
supporters with a booth on the Toyota Center Concourse for only $300.  
Sponsors will receive recognition on and during the game.  
To sponsor military personnel for this game, or for more information, please call 
the Aeros Front Office at 713-974-7825. 
(This offer is valid only through the Aeros front office and is not valid at the Toyota Center box 
office or any other ticket outlet.)  

To sponsor military tickets please consider the following options: 
    Upper Goals     
10 tickets $100    
20 tickets $200    
50 tickets* $500    
100 tickets* $1000  
   Center Ice Club Seats 
10 tickets $300 
20 tickets $600 
  50 tickets* $1500 
  100 tickets* $3000 
* for all donations of 50 or more tickets, you or your company will receive a like amount of tickets 
for a game of your choice from a pre-determined list of dates. 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Featured Aero Of The Week - Chad Rau

(Photo From Houston Aeros Website Page)

    This weeks featured aeros is Chad Rau.  He was born on January, 18, 1987, in a town called Eden Prairie Minnesota.  Chad stands 5 foot 11 inches and weights 178 pounds.  He plays the position of center and is  very good in the face-off circle.

  Chad started his career in the 2004-2005 season with the buccaneers (a ushl team) where he added a very impressive 31 goals and 40 assists to his record.  He then went into Colorado College and played for their team for 4 consecutive seasons where is junior year recorded his best college stats with 43 points.  Fresh out of college in 2009 he joined the Houston aeros where he posted 19 goals and 19 assists giving him 38 points in his first AHL season played.  he returned this year to the aeros where he plays as a strong center that the team can look up to and draw support from.  We look forward to seeing him through this season as he can only get better through the years.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Aeros Host Peoria Riverman

Well Aeros fans, Houston hosted the Rivermen tonight and wow what a game they played.  The first and second periods flew by without a hitch with aeros leading by quite a few shots on goal.  However as third period came around the aeros opened up a can of fireworks and really let the puck fly.  The puck never found the back of the net but the team came within inches of their first home game winner.  The aeros showed great skill in skating and shooting tonight but the Rivermen got the better of them fewer than 3 minutes into the overtime period.  The goal was made by number 19 on their team, Cracknell.  The aeros did show great improvement over their last home game however. I hope we do well in Rampage territory tomorrow. We really need the winning boost for the next home game on sunday.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Featured Aero Of The Week - Petr Kalus

I have decided to feature an Aeros Player Each week till each player has been featured.  So to start this weekly posting I have Chosen a strategical player, Petr Kalus.  Petr is a very fast and tactful skater.  Every move on the ice is for a reason and each stick placement has it's purpose.

      Kalus was born on June 29th 1987 in a town called Ostrava in the Czech republic.  His professional Hockey Career started in a WHL league on a team called the Regina Pats, where he exploded onto the scene registering 36 goals and 22 assists in a total of 60 games. After that season he was Drafted #39 overall as a round two pick for the Boston Bruins in the 2005 season. We as aeros fans got our first glimpse of him on our team in 2007 when he came to The Houston Aeros in 2007 he wanted to stay and has been here ever since, moving between the wild(NHL) and Houston aeros(AHL).  Last season he had registered a total of 12 goals and 11 assists in a total of 66 games.

     This year he has already registered 2 goals and one assist in 3 games played.  Also this year he has changed his Jersey number to 23 from 32 so look for this subtle change on the ice.If this is any sign of future games I have a feeling that we are in for a real treat. His physical stats are:  He stands  6'01" and weighs 201 pounds. He shoots left and plays the position of Right wing.  A little inside personal note, he is impartial to sweets. Check back next week for the featured Aero of the week.


Home Opening Weekend

Well Aeros Fans, this weekends home opener was less than thrilling.  However they are still in calibration for this years predicted winning season.  The aeros had a hard weekend this week driving to Oklahoma with little sleep  between games.  They won Friday's game against Oklahoma in overtime with 14 seconds left. Then came home that night to get ready for that nights home opening game. They gave a huge fight back in the third period but still came out under Peoria with a one goal deficit.  They came out on sunday looking for revenge but they ended the game looking for a light in the hole they dug themselves into. Hackett had trouble keeping the puck out of the back of the net letting one goal in for about every three shots on goal.  Where as Allen (barons goalie) left no hole in net uncovered, stopping all shots on goal but two.  The aeros played their heart out tonight.  But This blogger feels that we might have seen the worst game of the year and now we can only go up from here.  Keep looking back throughout the week for your chance to win two aeros ticket to a Friday night game.  Thanks for showing your support at the aeros games fans the guys appreciate it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Followers suggestions

This blog is in need of the fans questions.  I would like to Give you some information on what you would like to know.  So in the comment section below tell me somethings you would like to know about players, hockey, or the aeros themselves.  Is there anything you would like to know?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Booster club meeting with Mike Yeo

The booster Club meeting that went on yesterday at Texas Land and Cattle was very informative.   Mike Yeo explained his background as a Player and Coach.  He says that it is his goal to be a NHL coach one day and his goals for getting there include winning the Calder cup.  He plans on getting to the NHL coach position as soon as possible however he feels that that may be 5 years down the road with the Aeros.  He was explaining how his coaching abilities have helped the team to win the pre-season game.  He explains that unlike previous coaching staffs, he doesn't only coach one sections such as defence.  All three coaches drill and work all sections of the team.  This way what ever he or another assistant coach doesn't see another one will pick up on.  He seemed very out going and easy to talk to.  He would explain each question asked with great detail and answer each question with care.  He says he has been working on the power play teams and from the game in Austin the other night it seems to be working, as they are 100% for power play goals.  Yeo also explained that he feels the team needs to act like a "wolf pack" giving the impression on other teams of you mess with one player on the ice the other four will follow suit and back up the offended player.  He had a very optimistic approach to this years season saying "By the time we get to home opener we are going to be 2-0 working on 3-0"  Over all the meeting was very educational and a great start to the new hockey season.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Today there will me a booster club meeting at Texas Land and cattle in sugarland.  The guest speakers will be the coaches and will consist of all members and non members($5 fee).  This meeting will take place at 7 pm so get there early and have some fun with fellow booster club members and get to know your new 2010-2011 board members.  The booster club will be taking snacks for the team as well for the bus trips they may have such as, austin, san antonio, and this year Oklahoma.  If you would like to contribute items or money feel free to bring them to the meeting tonight.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hockey Penalties Every Fan should know

In hockey there are quite a few rules and regulations that will get you a penalty if your not carful.  These are a few every one should know and some the Referees should know because they never call them right.

In hockey there is Five different Kinds of penalties, minor, double minor, major, misconduct, and game misconduct. These are listed in least severe to the most severe of penalties your players can get.  Now let me give you a few examples of each.

Minor Penalties - These penalties will draw a two minute penalty most of all of the time.  Some examples would be: Cross-checking, high-sticking, holding, holding the stick, elbowing, hooking, interference, roughing, slashing, delay of game, and tripping. These penalties expire when time runs out or a goal is scored by the opposite team.
  • Cross- checking - This is when a player holds his stick in both hands crosswize to his body and hits the opposing player with it.
  • High sticking - The touching of a player with the a Hockey stick above the shoulder.
  • Holding -  Player holds the Jersey, skate, leg, arm of the other player to prevent him from playing in the game.
  • holding the stick - Player holding the opposing players stick to keep them from playing in the game.
  • elbowing - The intentional use of your elbow to hit a player.
  • hooking - Using a stick as a hook to slow an opponent
  • Interference - Impeding an opponent who does not have the puck, or impeding any player from the bench.
  • Roughing - Pushing and shoving after the whistle has been blown or when a player checks an opponent with his hands in his opponents face
  • Slashing - Swinging of a stick at an opponent, no contact is required for this call.
  • Delay of game - intentionally sending the puck over the glass to avoid a situation.
  • Tripping -  The use of a stick, glove, or skate to trip a player in order to prevent the player from playing in the game.
Double minors - These are called when a player is injured by a minor penalty such as slashing.  These penalties mean that the offender will be placed in the penalty box for two consecutive minors, or for four minutes.  These are not called often however when they are they place the offending team at a huge disadvantage.  These penalties expire when the time runs out or a goal is scored the first of the two minors will go away and the second will start.

Major penalty - These penalties draw a five minute penalty box sitting by the offenders.  These are usually called most every game in the form of a player fight.  These penalties only expire when the time runs out and not when the opposite team scores. Other infractions include: butt-ending, charging, spearing, and boarding. Getting three in one game will be an automatic Game Misconduct.
  • Butt-ending - Jabbing an opponent with the end of the shaft of the stick. It carries an automatic major penalty and game misconduct.
  • charging - taking more than three strides or jumping before hitting an opponent.
  • spearing - A player "spears" the other player with the end of his Hockey Stick.
  • Boarding - pushing an opponent violently into the boards while the player is facing the boards
Misconduct penalty - These penalties draw a ten minute off ice penalty.  These include throwing gear off the ice, not surrendering suspicious gear, verbal abuse of the official, throwing the puck where an official cant reach, or disrupting a penalty shot.  The player can be substituted on the ice  and these type of penalties are called "two and ten".

Here are also a few stoppage of play calls:
  • Icing - occurs when a player shoots the puck across at least two red lines, the opposing team's goal line being the last, and the puck remains untouched
  • offsides -  where the team in possession of the puck crosses the blue line of the opposing team before the puck crosses.
  • to many men on the ice - more than the five allowed players are on the ice. This does not apply when a team pulls their goalie for an extra man or for a penalty call.
  • puck out of play - the puck goes over the protective glass.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Aeros Extinguish the Stars.

Today's Game was The Houston Aeros Vs. Texas Stars and the game was intense.  The first period Robbie Earl and Warren Peters found the Back of the net for a two goal lead on the road.  The first goal on the road is the most important because it puts the defending team on edge.  These goals were assisted by Robbie Earl and Brandon Buck.  The second period started with a barrage of shots from the stars all blocked by Our Houston Goalie Matt Hackett with a stunning performance ending in 21 saves on the night for a shut out in the net, but the attack coming from Jamie Fraser and Maxim Noreau got the better of Brent Krahn, who had 17 saves and 5 goals past him. Putting the aeros up four to zero by the end of the second period.  The third period was a hard played period however the stars shooters could not find the back of the net and the defensemen Your Houston Aeros kept  the puck clear of the crease. However nearing the middle of the period Jon DiSalvatore sank a puck in the back of the net with a little help from the goalie pads.  Tonight the Aeros Capitalized on Two power Play Goals and are at 100% on kiling power plays. Over all the Team this year looks like it is meshing well and this season looks like a winning season for sure.  Everyone reserve your play off tickets now, for you will need them latter in the season.  Tonight's three stars of the game were:
1. Brandon buck
2. Matt Hackett with 21 saves on the night
3. Greg rallo with the Texas stars

This year should be an exciting year fans so strap yourselves in because this year the team takes the calder cup from the Bears for good.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

What's the Difference in leagues?

I know that I personally have seen allot of Abbreviations in hockey that I did not know, so I did a little research to inform the followers on what each one means.  If you have one you would like to add post it in the comments below.

  • OHL - The OHL stands for Ontario Hockey League.  One of three Canadian hockey leagues.
  • CHL - Canadian Hockey league.  This is the overall name for Canadian hockey.
  • NCAA- National Collegiate Athletic Association.  This keeps track of all college and University Teams.
  • AHL - American Hockey League.  The American league the feeds into the NHL.
  • NHL - National Hockey League.  The Professional American Hockey leagues.  The equivalent of the NFL of football
  • WHL - Western Hockey League.  This is a Junior devision that usually feeds into the AHL.
  • ISHL - The Interscholastic Hockey League.  This is a league that mainly deals in High school teams.
  • USHL - United States Hockey League.  The top junior league hockey teams.
Like I said above I know there is more out there these are a few of the more commonly used Abbreviations in hockey.  See the next post for hockey basics all fans should know.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Aeros Preseason game.

The Houston aeros Play tonight at SLICE against the San antonio rampage.  We show 30 on the roster still for the start of the 2010-2011 season.  There are about 48 tickets left for the game today so hurry tickets sell out FAST!

Here is a link to all tickets. Tickets are $15 and parking is $5. hurry before they are all gone.

Build up of new players.

The Minnesota wild training camp is producing a new set of players for this years team.  These players can only be described as determined and focused on winning this year.

  • Tyler Cuma - he has played the last four seasons in the OHL for the Ottawa 67's he created 69 assists and 34 goals over is four year career. he has been to the OHL playoffs all four years. He was selected by Min. in the first round #23 overall.
  • Jared Spurgeon - He played in the WHL league for the past 5 seasons and has shown great improvement racking up 100+ assists and improved in getting the puck into the back of the net.  He played for the Spokane Chiefs going to play offs three of his five years.  He is a very solid defense men.
  • Nate prosser- Started his hockey career in 2003 with the Sioux falls stampede(USHL) played for his college, Colorado college, and last year moved up the NHL and played in 3 games.  A solid well seasoned defenseman and able to set up assists easily.  Went to the play offs once in his career. Plays Defense.
  • Matt Hackett - Played in the OHL the past five seasons, last season he played in 56 games with a GAA of 2.62 with a 33-18 record. and recorded 1710 saves.  Went to play offs twice in his career and was Minnesota's round three pick. in the 2009 draft.
  • Warren Peters - last year played with the Texas/dallas stars.  Played 72 games last year in the AHL and NHL combined.  Connected with 21 goals last season and 14 assists.  Then went to the playoffs scoring 4 more and assisting on 4. Plays Center.